January Card of the Month
January Card of the Month: Athena ( Knowledge)
(Making Moves): Time to gather some information on anything that you are planning. Since it is Mercury Retrograde and it's here you must triple check all information before you make any moves or wait until after Mercury Retrograde to make a move. Wrong information can cause delays or get you into trouble at work.
(Confrontations): If this is about a person, make sure you gather all facts first before you do any confrontations, or speak something that you shouldn't have without the complete story. You can ruin a friendship, relationship, partnership if you don’t collect factual data first. Or even put yourself in a situation were you didn’t belong to begin with.
(Love): Before making commitments make sure you know your own self and make sure you know as much information about your partner before committing. You don’t want say ‘Yes’ to something, but behind the scenes something is going on with you or your partner.